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  • David Howell

How Can I Help YOU?

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

Individual treatments work best

Thankfully, we're all individuals, so when it comes to choosing supplements or health treatments, there's no such thing as an accurate 'one size fits all' approach.

Our individuality relies on genetics, life experiences, differing viewpoints, eating habits, lifestyle choices, exposure to diseases and changes that come with ageing, as well as many other influences. What then, may be good health advice for one person may not be helpful, or even be dangerous for another.

If you've tried natural supplements or treatments and found them unsuccessful, it doesn't mean that natural medicine or advice is useless. Instead, you've probably;

taken a supplement that

  • didn't match your condition

  • was the wrong dose

  • was the wrong type of nutrient (for example Magnesium oxide instead of Magnesium citrate, or calcium carbonate instead of calcium phosphate)

  • was poorly absorbed (for example, a tablet with cheap fillers instead of an easily absorbed powder or capsule supplement)

  • interacted with your medication

or followed advice that

  • was based on inaccurate information

  • didn't investigate the underlying problem

  • didn't take into account your whole situation (health, diet, lifestyle, relationships, finances, busyness)

  • wasn't relevant to your ongoing needs

  • wasn't easy to follow

  • was simply wrong

If you're tired of diets that don't work, supplements that waste your money, or health advice that hasn't helped, then it may be worth a visit to a Naturopathic Practitioner. As Naturopaths aren't pressured into limiting appointment times by our Medicare system, they may have more time to tease out the whole client picture in a consultation.

In a consultation, I check my clients' personal and family health histories, medication and supplement regimes, dietary habits and what has or hasn't been investigated or tried in the past. Commonly, I'll prescribe nothing in a first appointment, instead either ordering further tests or requesting my clients to see their doctor for further investigations. As I work in a pharmacy environment, I have access to programs that allow me to check for possible interactions between medications and supplements, and often find that a client's presenting complaints are either medication related or due to an interaction between medical and natural treatments. I'll refer to other practitioners whenever relevant so that my clients' money is spent where it's most likely to help their health.

As I greatly enjoy solving the mystery of my clients' illnesses, and providing solutions wherever possible, I'd love the opportunity to investigate and treat your health. I commit to providing logical and do-able treatments that are tailor made to your individual situation. Feel free to check out the testimonials on my site here, or send me an enquiry via my contact form here, giving me a brief note about your condition so I can honestly tell you whether I believe I can help. If you'd like to book an appointment with me, just click on the button here. Although I'm a Toowoomba Naturopath, I can provide follow up consultations via skype or phone for my clients who live at a distance. All the best in your health journey!


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